Overview of Jeweler Items

Crafting toolsJeweler: A jeweler must have a very precise touch that they use to carve tiny gems and other delicate items to perfection time and time again. They use a host of techniques to empower normal jewelry with magical properties that can protect a player, augment his or her abilities, find secret passages, and a host of other effects.

Forge Tools: All eight sets of tools are needed by all crafters.
Forge Tools (Jeweler): | Common | Uncommon |

Jeweler (Common):

05% (+1) Forge Tools (Jeweler: Common)
05% (+1) Divine Crystal Orb (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
05% (+1) Cavalry Spurs (Charm: +10 Riding)
05% (+1) Band of Fugivity (+10 Evasion)
05% (+1) Advocate's Mask (Face: +10 Challenge | Capitulate)
05% (+1) Fire mask (Face: +10 Threaten | Incite)

10% (+2) Jewel Tipped Spade (Profession: Archaeologist)
10% (+2) Jeweled Inlay (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
10% (+2) Ring of the Quick (+10 Resistance: Agility)
10% (+2) Belt of the Stout (+10 Resistance: Strength)
10% (+2) Necklace of Tranquility (+10 Resistance: Spiritual)
10% (+2) Lesser Dragonlink Charm (+10 Resistance: Influence)

15% (+3) Ruby Staff of Eventide (Class Crafting: Priests of Eventide)
15% (+3) Ruthenium Bands (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
15% (+3) Planar Chain (Collar: +20 resist damage - silver cord)
15% (+3) Coin of Opening (+10 Pick Locks: Charm)
15% (+3) Talisman of the Trail (+10 Tracking)
15% (+3) War Mask (+10 Taunting)

20% (+4) Formal Heritage Jewelry (Heritage Types: All)
20% (+4) Jeweled Adornment (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
20% (+4) Arcane Glasswork (+10 portal creation)
20% (+4) Stone of the Forgetful (Weapon Attachment: Reduce Threat on Perfect)
20% (+4) Earrings of the Gravedigger (Illusion: Common Undead)
20% (+4) High Quality Glassware (Home: Collectable)

25% (+5) Necklace of the Nightwalker (Illusion: Wolves)
25% (+5) Rough Teleport Gem (Crafting: Regional Teleport)
25% (+5) Create Glasswork (Art: Jewelry of Glasswork)
25% (+5) Armored Wagon (Tack and Harness Only)
25% (+5) Empowered Gem (Crafting Material: Uncommon)
25% (+5) Sliding Telescope (Profession: Astronomer)

Jeweler (Uncommon):

30% (+6) Luck Stones (Charm: Gambling Item +10)
30% (+6) Forge Tools II (Jeweler)
30% (+6) Copper Ring of the Traveler (Move Silently: 1 terrain)
30% (+6) Wander's Cloak (Slow Fall)
30% (+6) Cavalry Hoops (Charm: +10 Riding)
30% (+6) Magical Coinpurse (100 gems and infinite money)
30% (+6) Merchant's Chain (guild only: +10 barter or haggle)
30% (+6) Necklace of Hosgoad (+20 Evasion)

35% (+7) Ring of Agility (+20 resistance: agility)
35% (+7) Belt of Vigor (+20 resistance: strength)
35% (+7) Dragonlink Charm (+20 resistance: Influence)
35% (+7) Necklace of the Cross (+20 resistance: Spiritual)
35% (+7) Shrine Mask (+10 detaunt)
35% (+7) Silver Band of the Traveler (Move Silently: 2 terrains)
35% (+7) Bangle of the Warrior (wrist: holds 10 weapons)
35% (+7) Bracers of the Eclipse (Conceal all Gear)

40% (+8) Ring of the Black Lion (+10 Ambush | Camouflage)
40% (+8) Magician's Key (+20 Pick Locks: Charm)
40% (+8) Theatre Mask (+10 Impersonation)
40% (+8) Jeweled War Mask (+20 Taunting)
40% (+8) Ring of the Traveler (Move Silently Bonus: 3 terrains)
40% (+8) Mirror of Ghostly Reflection (See into Otherworld)
40% (+8) Crushed Gems (Crafting Item: Warding)
40% (+8) Banded Choker of the Trail (Tracking)

45% (+9) Weaponcatcher (Fumble Resistance +25)
45% (+9) Hood of the Outrider (Forehead: +25 vs one terrain)
45% (+9) Necklace of Obscured Countenance (Concealment)
45% (+9) Ring of Transformation (Speeds up Transformation)
45% (+9) Ring of the Traveler (Move Silently Bonus: 4 terrains)
45% (+9) Coronet of the Ageless (Resist aging)
45% (+9) Lantern of Bountiful Health (increase physical: home)
45% (+9) Cohort's Ring (Share 1 energy type w group)

50% (+10) Elemental Runestone (Held: Energy weapon)
50% (+10) Create Art (Uncommon: Jewelry or Glasswork)
50% (+10) Razor Gem (Weapon Adornment: Increased critical and perfect damage)
50% (+10) Medallion of the Cross (Charm: Sleep in harsh conditions)
50% (+10) Moonlight Dragon Charm (See by Moonlight)
50% (+10) Ring of the Traveler (Move Silently: 6 terrains)
50% (+10) Ring of Destined Fate (reroll once per rest)
50% (+10) Arcane Rune Etched Gems (Attachment: Crafting Protection)