Character Training (Eternus)

animal trainingAnimal Training (Bird) I: You are an expert in training large birds and other similar animals. You are familiar with their care and maintenance and in choosing and breeding them for excellence.

RC 25: Perform a known trick or skill
RC 30: Carry a Message
RC 40: Locate food or water
RC 50: Sit on the shoulder of the trainer
RC 75: Retrieve a small item
RC 100: Hunt for itself
RC 125: Aid in attack or defense
RC 150: Wait
RC 175: Claw an enemy
RC 200: Come to a whistle or other single cue
RC 225: Guard the rear (bonus on overcoming surprise)
RC 250: Follow from a distance
RC 275: Sense Intrusion
RC 300: Ignore a nonlethal wound
RC 325: Track their owner if lost
RC 350: Use a magical device designed for a bird
RC 375: Advanced assistance in attack or defense
RC 400: Immunity to fear

Special: This skill is designed to be use with a falcon but can be used with any intelligent bird. All food must come from their trainer. They will only bond with one person and if they are allowed to hunt they will usually fly away. They should be fed 1/2 their body weight every day. If they don’t eat for 36 hours they may turn on the owner or die. They should be flown for ay least one hour every day. If they aren’t their strength will deteriorate. The trainer must wear a heavy leather gauntlet usually on their left arm. Most bords cannot be kept on the trainers shoulder unless highly trained, because their instincs will cause them to go for the eye. Most birds cannot be flown at night because of risk of attacks by large owls or other bords of prey.

Note: Training takes one hour per five points of RC and a successful check. Once they are taught it only takes a RC 25 to get them to perform the trick.

Maximum number of tricks: You can teach an animal one trick per power level of the animal.

Effect: You gain +20 to train a bird.

New Store: Check out the 600+ unique new magical items at our new store that were just released for playtest.
New Class Powers: Find a bunch of new class powers to choose from. Every class has been expanded.
See Quick Start Guide: With new powers and items there has never been a better time to play.
Eternus is very excited to announce that we will be releasing three new Campaigns in the next few months. They will all be free to playtest for members of our site. Keep an eye out for new info and other releases.

See Quick Start Guide: Eternus is designed to be easy to play for the beginner while offering the expert RPG player the feel of real combat. Don't take our word, get in on the fun!
Our philosophy is that the rules should add to the fun or get out of the way. Our system encourages you to be creative. It doesn't try to diminish your natural ability to role-play, it enhances it. Opportunities to advance your character and gain an edge on your opponents abound in our system, take advantage of them when you can. See Tactics

If you have a hard time getting into character many elements of the system will lay a path of choices before you and encourages you to get in tune with your character naturally. See Characters


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