Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Crafting Stonemason
Power Level: Base ()
Efficiency: 5% Common / 2% Uncommon / 1% Advanced / .5% Master
Type: Agility
Range: Touch (0’)
Distance: .2' per 1%
Methods: Physical
Sacrifice: No
Tools: Yes (Alchemal Lab)
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack
Area of Effect:

Note: Takes 1 hour per batch (up to 100 herbs of the same type) to brew. If left exposed to the air potions will eventually evaporate so potions need to be kept in airtight containers such as small metal flasks or etc. Untreated herbs can only be used within 7 days of them being found to be of any use unless made into a potion. Herbal potions have a shelf life of 100 years and will cause the maximum duration of the herb every time they are consumed. Herbs from outside your region are different than the ones that you are used to and therefore are much more difficult for you to identify. Treat these as one level more difficult.

Effect: You are skilled in identifying and creating Herbal Potions. Those with herbal potion knowledge can identify plants and fungus and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, powders, balms, salves, ointments, infusions, and plasters for non-medical purposes.

Weapons Examinations - Weapons are identified through tiny imperfections that are produced inadvertently during manufacture. Subsequent use and wear contribute further to a weapon's individuality. A wound from a weapon, therefore, has impressed in ti the individual characteristics of the weapon which it was inflicted.


Identify a common herb
Identify a common herbal potion
Visually identify the effects of a common herb that has been consumed
Match the effects of a herb to its common herbal source
Identify a trace amount of a common herb (1 hour)
Identify the effects of a rare herb that has been consumed by a description
Create a common herbal potion


Identify a uncommon herb
Identify a uncommon herbal potion
Visually identify the effects of an uncommon herb that has been consumed
Match the effects of an uncommon herb to its herbal source
Identify a trace amount of an uncommon herb (1 hour)
Identify the effects of a rare herb that has been consumed by a description
Create an uncommon herbal potion


Identify a rare herb
Identify a rare herbal potion
Visually identify the effects of a rare herb that has been consumed
Match the effects of a rare herb to its herbal source
Identify a trace amount of a rare herb (1 hour)
Identify the effects of a rare herb that has been consumed by a description
Create a rare herbal potion


Identify a artifact herb
Identify a artifact herbal potion
Visually identify the effects of a artifact herb that has been consumed
Match the effects of a artifact herb to its herbal source
Identify a trace amount of a artifact herb (1 hour)
Identify the effects of a artifact herb that has been consumed by a description
Create a artifact herbal potion

New Store: Check out the 600+ unique new magical items at our new store that were just released for playtest.
New Class Powers: Find a bunch of new class powers to choose from. Every class has been expanded.
See Quick Start Guide: With new powers and items there has never been a better time to play.
Eternus is very excited to announce that we will be releasing three new Campaigns in the next few months. They will all be free to playtest for members of our site. Keep an eye out for new info and other releases.

See Quick Start Guide: Eternus is designed to be easy to play for the beginner while offering the expert RPG player the feel of real combat. Don't take our word, get in on the fun!
Our philosophy is that the rules should add to the fun or get out of the way. Our system encourages you to be creative. It doesn't try to diminish your natural ability to role-play, it enhances it. Opportunities to advance your character and gain an edge on your opponents abound in our system, take advantage of them when you can. See Tactics

If you have a hard time getting into character many elements of the system will lay a path of choices before you and encourages you to get in tune with your character naturally. See Characters


Eternus free rpg game tabletop