Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Crafting Alchemist Tradeskill Related Recipes

Star Woven Crystal (Ancestral Guardian Armor), Rune Etched Glass (Ritualist Weapon),

+1) Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
+2) Nitric Acid (HNO3)
+3) Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
+4) Hydrobromic Acid (HBr)
+5) Hydroiodic Acid (HI)
+6) Perchloric acid (HClO4)
+7) Toluenesulfonic acid (CH3C6H4SO3H - solid)
+8) Fluoroantimonic acid (HSbF6
+9) Fluorosulfuric Acid (HFSO3)
+10) Pure Carborane (secret) HSFO3.SbF5 + H2O → H2SO4 + HSbF6

Balm - energy effects cure, - Combines alcohol and is rubbed on the skin,

Cream - Antibiotic, Allergy, - Emulsion of oil and water in approximately equal proportions. Penetrates outer layer of skin well.

Gel - Regeneration, Grooming (hair), scar removal, - Liquefies upon contact with the skin.

Gum - Fast setting adhesive,

Herbal Tea - Most herbs can be powdered and when dry mixed with hot fluids to make tea, but since the taste is not always acceptable, other methods are commonly used. Tisanes - These are herbal teas, and are infusions normally made from aromatic herbs such as fennel, chamomile, peppermint etc. They are taken without milk, but depending on personal taste, sugar or honey may be added.

Infused liquid - This can be made by steeping 1 oz (25 g) dried herbal material in 18 fl oz (500 ml) water at room temperature for at least 12 hours and then straining it.

Infusions - Prepare an infusion by pouring 18 fl oz (500 ml) near-boiling water over 3 oz (75 g) fresh herb or 1.25 oz (30 g) dried herb and let it steep for 5 minutes. Flowers and leaves are suitable when making an infusion.

Infused oils - Oils can be made from herbs, using fresh or dried material. Heat 18 fl oz (500 ml) oil over boiling water – bain-marie style (NOT directly on an electric plate or gas, and while doing this, ensure that there is always water in the pot underneath heating the oil). To this oil you should add 27 oz (750 g) fresh, or 9 oz (250 g) dried herbal material – and keep it heated for 3 hours. After cooling the plant material is strained. Take a jar and fill it with fresh herbs and use enough of the oil to cover the material, and then leave for 3 weeks to diffuse.

Inhalant - These are made by using one part alcohol to one part herbal material to create concentrates.

Ointment - Dehydration, temporary ability increase, insect repellant, - Combines oil (80%) and water (20%). Effective barrier against moisture loss. Ointments - They can be made by heating solid fats or petroleum jelly over boiling water (as above with the macerated oils) and adding 2.5 oz (60 g) dried material to 18 fl oz (500 ml) of fat/petroleum jelly.
o This mixture must be warmed over the boiling water for 3 hours and then strained and decanted into jars.

Paste - Weapon sharpening, Grooming (teeth), Combines three agents - oil, water, and powder; an ointment in which a powder is suspended.

Perfumes -

Potion - Potions are made by using fresh or dried herbs and simmering it in 12 oz of water for at least 1 hour. Potions - They are made by using 2.5 oz (60 g) of fresh herbs or 1.25 oz (30 g) of dried herbal material and simmering it in 18 fl oz (500 ml) of water for at least 20 minutes. Bark and root are very suitable types of material to use when making a decoction.

Poultices - A poultice is made by soaking a clean cloth in a herbal infusion, decoction or a diluted tincture. Then a soft moist mass that is heated and spread on cloth over the skin. First make a paste from dried or fresh finely chopped or powdered material and mix it in water. Then heat it to a temperature that will not burn the skin and reheat when it cools.

Sacred Oil - used in all magic items - 1 magical oil - 1 magical resin - combined over 9 different temperatures and cooled and skimmed 4 times to purify.

Salves - perception boost, eye infection,

Syrups - These are infusions or decoctions mixed with sugar to promote a more palatable taste. This also helps to preserve it. It is normally created by using 18 fl oz (500 ml) fluid to 18 oz (500 g) sugar.

Tinctures - The same process is followed as when making macerated oils, but instead of oils, a water/alcohol mix is used to extract the active ingredients. This is an effective way to extract the constituents. Tinctures are stronger than infusions or potions and are made by using one part material to four parts purified alcohol.

Tincture Tonic -

tincture - cinnamon, gotu kola, lemon thyme, rosemary, sage + 4 more ingredients

Preservative: (makes 400 doses)

potion - lemon x 2, turmeric x 2

Magical Fastening -

Magical - Price x 16 (Uncharged) Note: Magical items can hold up to 20 charges. Charging an item takes a spell component that is 50% of the cost of the power per charge.

Recipe: (1) intricate metal chain (hard), (1) quality band (soft), (1) powdered jewel (magical), (1) scored wooden token, (1) tiny metal clasp, (1) sacred parchment, (1) Sacred Oil,

Special: Tinctures (take at least 8 ingredients and can make special recipes if the right combonation is found)

Tools: mortar, pestles, potion bottles, candles, oil warmer, strainer, cotton bags, squeezable tubes, jars, storage chest, glass canister, resin boxes, drying screens, tins, corkable vials, beakers, bottle warmer, portable flame, dark colored jars, dram glass bottles with caps,

Special Recipes: (make 4 doses)


inhalent - sacred willow leaves, white poppy x2, kava kava,

Anti-Ageing - (lasts one day)

Gel - sacred oak leaves, borage, celery, lemon thyme,

Cream - sacred oak leaves, lemon thyme, alfalfa, pennywort

Healing Boost

syrup - sacred alder leaves, echinacea, garlic, goldenseal

Magical Disease

Salve - sacred ash leaves, clover, lemon, gotu kola,

Magical Poisons

potion - sacred holly leaves, echinacea, garlic, golden seal

Memory Recovery (Magical)

inhalant - sacred birch leaves, rosemary x a

Negate System Shock - (from injury)

potion - sacred hawthorn leaves, buchu, clover, lavender,

Perception Increase -

potion - sacred blackthorn leaves, alfalfa, oat straw

Inhalant - sacred blackthorn leaves, peppermint, rosella, rosemary

Poison Antidote -

lotion - sacred elder leaves, anise, basil, cardamom,

lotion - sacred elder leaves, chamomile, lemon thyme, lemon verbena,

Inhalant - sacred elder leaves, cinnamon, cloves, rosemary,

potion - sacred elder leaves, marjoram, melissa, rose hip,

poultice - sacred elder leaves, St Johns wort x 2, yarrow,

Remove Fear

Inhalant - sacred rowan leaves, melissa, peppermint x2, rosemary


potion - sacred hazel leaves, chamomile, jasmine,

potion - sacred hazel leaves, oat straw, gotu kola, St johns wort

potion - sacred hazel leaves, lavender x2, melissa,

Speed Potion -

potion - tan seer leaves, basil x2, gotu kola x2,

Torn ligaments

poltice - sacred alder leaves, comfrey, pennywort x2


poltice - sacred alder leaves, yarrow x3

Leather Balm - This dull red oil is created by alchemists and used by tailors to soften tanned hides or leather of up to +1 to make it much easier to work with. (+10)

Mercuric Balm - This metallic liquid is used by metalworkers to soften metal of up to +1 to make it much easier to work with. (+10)

Graphite Powder - This soft black powder is used by woodworkers to ease the joining of wooden pegs and other parts of up to +1 to make it much easier to work with. (+10)

Mystical Ink - This glowing black ink is used by sages to ease the writing of magical spells of up to +1 to make it much easier to work with. (+10)

Essence of Ki - This swirling bottled essence is used by Sensei to create martial tokens of up to +1 to make it much easier to work with. (+10)

Mineral Oxide - This sparkling liquid is created by alchemists and used by jewelers to polish gems and stones of up to +1 to make it them easier to work with. (+10)

Purifying Liquid - This glowing liquid is created by alchemists and used by artificers to create items of up to +1 to make them much easier to work with. (+10)

Glass Vials - This set of large glass vials are used by alchemists to ease the storage adn combining of chemicals of up to +1 to make them much easier to work with. (+10)

Temperate Stone - This circular flat stone becomes hot or cold on command and is used by alchemists to evenly heat or cool chemicals of up to +1 to make them much easier to work with. (+10)

Heat Sink - This large ceramic container is filled with sand and other powders and is used by alchemists to cool or warm chemicals and other items of up to +1 to make them much easier to work with. (+10)

Metallic Dye - This swirling metallic liquid can be added to metal while it is white hot causing the metal to become the color of the pigment.

Leather Dye - This thick colored liquid can be added to woven materials while it is being tanned causing the hides to become the color of the pigment.

Blinding Powder – This +1 powder can be used to blind an enemy for 1 round on contact with the eyes. (Save DC 50)

Healing Salve - This +1 thick white paste if applied within 1 minute of an injury will heal damage instantly.

Courier's Ink - Courier’s ink is a special, invisible ink that becomes visible only when dipped into a revealing solution. The formula for the ink actually produces the revealing solution as a byproduct of the creation process, making the two relatively inexpensive. Courier’s ink is common enough that blank pages found among captured documents are routinely dipped in a revealing solution to look for information hidden with the ink. Revealed courier’s ink is always red, so most people with sensitive information to hide write or draw on a page first in different colored ink. This serves to draw suspicion away from pages treated with the special ink. Once the revealing solution is applied, messages written in courier’s ink are permanently visible.
Courier’s ink cannot be used to record a spell. Until it is dipped in the revealing solution, courier’s ink is invisible. This makes drawing the precise symbols used in magic spells impossible.

Dehydrated Food – Explorers and adventurers of all sorts benefit from alchemically dried food. Although expensive, dehydrated food takes up only a tenth as much space as an equivalent supply of trail rations, making it ideal for long journeys where water is plentiful and food is scarce. Characters eating dehydrated food must consume twice as much water per day as they normally require or suffer the effects of going without water. This recipe makes twenty days worth of food.

Black Tar Ointment - This thick black paste when spread on clothes and exposed skin grants fire resistance DR +1 for 24 hours and +1 on hiding.

Acid, Metal-eating – Damages and corrodes metal (+1) of up to 3 cubic inches.

Alchemist's Mercy – A fine powder that, when mixed with juice or water and consumed, eliminates the effects of alcohol.

Oak Leaf Salve - A weeks worth of applications of this clear liquid removes any previously healed scars.

Far Flame Oil – This thin light blue oil burns with a blue flame and illuminates a wide area. When used in a lantern or on a torch far flame oil sheds light at a distance of x2. It also lasts 10x longer than standard oil.

Flash Powder - This bead sized grenade like weapon explodes on impact. Made from silky gray powder flash powder is a mild explosive. Flash powder burns too quickly to cause more than minor burns even in large quantities. What the powder lacks in explosive force, it makes up for in visual effect. Used occasionally in warfare as a diversionary tool, flash powder has become a mainstay of a burglar’s equipment. The blinding light it produces often provides enough of a distraction for a skilled rogue to get out of danger. Even a small quantity of the powder burns brightly enough to cause those looking directly at it to suffer a -10 penalty to all Spot checks for the next 5 rounds. The flash also provides enough of a distraction to allow someone who was under observation to make a Hide check. Also all sighted creatures within 10ft of an explosion must make a Save or be blinded for 1 attack

Ghan Sho - Thick gray paste that when applied by a healer can stabilize a dying creature.

Glowpowder - This fine Luminescent powder clings and glows for ten minutes once released. It is not bright enough to provide useful illumination. It comes in tube that allows it to be blown out into a 10 x 10 foot area that provides a +5 bonus to search the affected area for invisible creatures.

Waterproof Ink – This waterproof ink cannot be distorted by water after it dries.

Healing Antiseptic – As a full round action when one rubs this green glowing antiseptic into a wound it heals damage when used with bind wounds giving +1 to a bind wounds check.

Insect Repellent - This strong smelling liquid can be applied to the skin to repel insects. It keeps Tiny or smaller insects at bay for 24 hours per application. Larger insects and those under the control of a spell must make a Will Save to approach a protected character. This benefit is lost if the character attacks the insect.

Nature’s Draught – This tiny vial contains a murky, pungent liquid. When consumed, nature’s draught cause subtle changes in the user’s scent. Animals respond well to a character who has consumed nature’s draught, finding her less threatening and easier to trust. Drinking a vial of nature’s draught provides a +5 circumstance bonus on Handle Animal and Animal Empathy checks made during the next day.

Draught of Moonlight - When this odorless colorless and tasteless liquid is added to a drink it grants a sleep effect to the liquid. If victim fails the save they fall into a peaceful slumber for 48 hours. The victim can be awakened by normal outside means.

Pure Balm - Clear syrupy substance that when applied between the initial and secondary effects of a contact or injury poison turns black and absorbs some of the poison giving a +5 on the save.

Special: Red Rager - This thick red salve must be spread over the entire body to be effective, but once applied, its effects are potent. Red rager grants its user a +4 bonus to their effective Strength for the next 24 hours. Anyone who uses red rager regularly suffers deleterious side effects. Using red rager more than once in a week’s time forces the character to make a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of permanent Charisma and intelligence loss. Each failed save means that the powerful chemicals in red rager have affected the character’s mind, raising their temper and coloring their skin slightly red.

Sacca Tea - A sweet tasting tea that sharpen hearing and sight, providing a +2 alchemical bonus to spot and listen checks for 24 hours.

Alchemal Oil - An overnight rust remover and polishing solution. One dose of shine water if enough to treat one medium sized weapon or similarly sized object.

Signal Torch - These torches are treated with a variety of alchemical substances to color the flames. Signal torches each burn with a differently colored flame. They are available in a variety of colors, the most common being green, blue, red and yellow.

Incendiary, Smoke Bomb (+1) - This small white packet has an eastern symbol (scout) on it. This fine powder can be thrown as an area effect. It will also create a thick fog in a 20' radius. This gives anyone inside +5 from concealment and +5 on evasion. When thrown into a fire it will create a dense fog in a 80' radius and gives +10 from concealment and +10 on evasion.

Incendiary, Smoke Bomb (+5) - This small brown packet has an eastern symbol (scout) on it. This fine powder can be thrown as an area effect. It will also create a thick fog in a 20' radius. This gives anyone inside +25 from concealment and +25 on evasion. When thrown into a fire it will create a dense fog in a 80' radius and gives +50 from concealment and +50 on evasion.

Titan Gum - Particularly strong and fast setting adhesive. Hardens to full strength in a single round and an support up to 500 lbs before breaking. Require Strength check to separate glued items.

Traveler’s Solace - This fiery liquid allows the user to temporarily circumvent the effects of fatigue and exhaustion for a short time. Fatigued or exhausted characters that drink a vial of traveler’s solace can run and charge normally. Fatigued characters under the effects of traveler’s solace suffer no penalties to their Strength or Dexterity, while exhausted characters suffer a penalty to both ability scores. The beneficial effects of traveler’s solace last for 4 hours, but the after effects last much longer. Exhausted characters who use traveler’s solace to lessen the effects of exhaustion require a full 8 hours of rest before they become rested. Fatigued characters who have used traveler’s solace require at least 8 hours of bed rest before they become fully rested. A vial of traveler’s solace has no effect if another has been taken within 7 days.

Verminbane – This tightly sealed flask contains a pale green smoking liquid. When released into the air, the smoke fills a 25 foot cubic area. Most creatures are unaffected by the smoke, and humanoids generally find the smell pleasant. Vermin, however, find the smoke almost intolerable. To pass through an area filled with verminbane, vermin must succeed on a Fortitude save. Verminbane lasts for 1 hour, although strong winds may decrease this duration.

Scent Breaker - This alchemical compound is used to confuse creatures with the scent ability. Small grenade like pouch can be thrown or scattered over a 5ft area. Affected creatures make a fortitude save for a direct hit or lose scent ability for 1 minute. After the minute affected creatures must make a second save or lose their scent ability for an hour.

Vine Oil - This oil when spread over the body numbs the body to pain for an hour. This allows the user to resist pain related saves at +50.

White Sanguine Wine - This sweet white non alcoholic wine enhances healing properties by +1 and prevents bleeding damage of up to DR 1.

Skyborn Stew - This thick vegetable stew grants the creature +50 on a saving throw to resist the effects of enchantment spells.

Antitoxin - This dose of antitoxin provides a +1 bonus on saves made against poison. This bonus lasts for 1 minute.

Longbreath Potion - This thick blue potion enables a character to breathe underwater for 24 hours.

Incendiary Pepper Bomb - This small red packet has an eastern symbol on it. This fine powder can be thrown as an AOE weapon. On a direct hit the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 30) or else suffer a -10 circumstance penalty to all rolls for 4 rounds because of sneezing and watery eyes. Creatures immune to gases or poisons are immune to sneezing powder. It will also create a fog in a 20' radius. This gives anyone inside +10 from concealment. When thrown into a fire it will create a dense fog in a 40' radius but the pepper effect will be negated.

New Store: Check out the 600+ unique new magical items at our new store that were just released for playtest.
New Class Powers: Find a bunch of new class powers to choose from. Every class has been expanded.
See Quick Start Guide: With new powers and items there has never been a better time to play.
Eternus is very excited to announce that we will be releasing three new Campaigns in the next few months. They will all be free to playtest for members of our site. Keep an eye out for new info and other releases.

See Quick Start Guide: Eternus is designed to be easy to play for the beginner while offering the expert RPG player the feel of real combat. Don't take our word, get in on the fun!
Our philosophy is that the rules should add to the fun or get out of the way. Our system encourages you to be creative. It doesn't try to diminish your natural ability to role-play, it enhances it. Opportunities to advance your character and gain an edge on your opponents abound in our system, take advantage of them when you can. See Tactics

If you have a hard time getting into character many elements of the system will lay a path of choices before you and encourages you to get in tune with your character naturally. See Characters


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