Gathering Metals (Soft)
Power Level: Base ()
Efficiency: (5 to 1) Common / (2 to 1) Uncommon / (1 to 1) advanced / (.5 to 1) Master /
Type: Class Skill
Range: Long (100’)
Methods: Physical
Sacrifice: No
Tools: Yes (Mining)
Duration: One Hour (Active) / (One day) Passive (while traveling)
Time: One attack
Area of Effect:
Effect: You are an expert in the recovery and exploration of soft minerals.
Hushing (aqueducts) - Numerous aqueducts supply water to the minehead where it is stored in large reservoirs and tanks. When a full tank is opened, the wave of water exposes the bedrock underneath. The rock is then attacked by fire-setting to heat the rock, which would be quenched with a stream of water. The thermal shock cracked the rock, enabling it to be removed, aided by further streams of water from the overhead tanks.
Mining Lore : Identify a common underground soft metal up to +4. If successful with a more difficult metal you recognize it as a higher level material. Mundane (+0) metal materials can be identified with this check as well.
Create Metal Blocks: You can create soft metal ingots and purify nearly any soft metal for which you can gain acees to a hot enough flame. Note: Forges must be of an equal bonus (ie. +1 or etc) as the metal being smelted. (1 unit per check)
Check Mineral Content: Check for the presence of trace minerals in an area. These can be collected with a sifter in areas with moving water or a tool such as a hammer and chisel, or a shovel depending on the terrain and analysed over a flame. They can then be identified with mining lore.
Discern Depth: By studying rock and earth formations you can guess your depth underground.
Mining Lore Advanced: Identify a quality underground mineral up to +9.
Mining Lore Expert: Identify a underground mineral up to +14.
Construct Mining Tunnels: You can construct basic tunnels for mining purposes.
Identify Forge: You can assess the quialty of a forge by testing several metals to see its melting temperatures and magical potential.
Advanced Mining Tunnels: You can construct basic tunnels for mining purposes.
New Class Powers: Find a bunch of new class powers to choose from. Every class has been expanded.
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See Quick Start Guide: Eternus is designed to be easy to play for the beginner while offering the expert RPG player the feel of real combat. Don't take our word, get in on the fun!
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