Knowledge Criminal – Thief customs, habits, basic knowledge of how organized crime works, Gang Activity, Influential Individuals, Territorial Guild and Independent Divisions, etc.
You can use this skill to get insight into the reputation of well-known thieves, their special powers or vulnerabilities, and trademarks. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that thief. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.
Analyze a Crime (DC 5 + level of the criminal) By studying a crime scene you can discern clues related to the crime. The check may be altered by many factors suck as time and how recent the crime was.
Advanced Thieves Cant (devotion) You can converse fluidly in the language of thieves.
Criminal Senses (devotion) You receive +2 on bluff checks and sense motive checks when dealing with criminals or rogues.
Historical Background.
Early criminal investigation was a crude process, relying on eyewitnesses, inferences, and confessions extracted under torture. In the 2th great turn for instance, the principal technique for catching thieves was obtaining evidence from informers who were also engaged in crime.
The first major step in modern crime detection took place in the 3rd great turn. A new law was passed that decreed the conduct of an investigation must be governed by information obtained from people, records, and physical evidence. Victims or witnesses still provide the bulk of facts as to when, where, how, why, and by whom the crime was committed.
General Information
Thieves Creed
We go by many names -- thief, cutpurse, urban ranger, upstanding citizen... More often than not we're gone from their view before they have a chance to snicker at their own joke; usually with the coins in their purse and the gems in their pouch.
The night is our haven and the city our solace. We find comfort in these environment and, more importantly, thrive in them regardless of whether it's stealing, stalking, hiding or well-placed blow to the back of an unsuspecting mark. We are bandits, assassins and cutthroats; however, in spite of this all we live by a strict code -- failing to follow that code brings down harsh punishment from the guild and its elders.
Though we are better than the other guilds in most every way, it is our responsibility and duty to blend into the common crowd, for if the masses knew there was a concerted effort to organize our kind and our activilies, the risk of being found and routed could potentially follow quickly.
"If everyone knows about us, ye think we'd still be here? Bah, it's that line of thought that allows folks to learn our secrets, so keep yer bloody mouth shut!" - Anonymous
The Code
While the power of stealing, sneaking and backstabbing can be rather intoxicating, if you do it without discretion you will find yourself lying in some dark alley, face down in a shallow puddle of murky rain water badly beaten or dead at the hands of the guild.
A long time ago, the thieves’ guild was a brotherhood -- a group of tight-nit people who did have honor among each other. Since that time, the realms has been exposed to a more diverse crowd of people, thus diluting the code; for a time, it was complete and utter anarchy -- people killing in the streets, secrets being revealed without a second though and blatant exposure of the guild. Since then, the prominent members of the guild have decided to rebuild as best they can. With the aid of powerful allies, the code is once again being taught to new thieves... Order and secrecy are being restored, and a close eye is kept on thief goings-on.
1. The very existence of the guild is secret. Deny it. Do not reveal directions to any guild location or the identity of fellow thieves and those who work for the brotherhood.
2. If the young and new ask for advice, tell them only what they need to know in order to learn themselves -- nothing will be gained by giving the information for which they must work.
3. Thieves are your brothers and sisters of the shadows; they understand your plight as well as you understand theirs. Do not steal from a fellow thief unless they are in the guild common room.
4. The blatant use of our abilities, that can be recognized, in public is forbidden -- to do so will bring forth the wrath of your guild master.
5. Do not steal from upstanding citizens unless your sure you can get away with it.
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