Sage: A Sage is a crafter that puts his mind to work to enhance andcreate magical items of great value to the adventurer and many others. They can create combat items used as weapons by some classes, magical food and draughts which can aid in attack and boost health, as well as a host of other items.
Forge Tools: All eight sets of tools are needed by all crafters.
Forge Tools (Sage): | Common | Uncommon |
Sage (Common):
05% (+1) Forge Tools (Sage: Common)
05% (+1) Sacramental Incense (Crafting Materials: Uncommon)
05% (+1) Waterproof Ink (Crafting: Maps)
05% (+1) Mystical Capture Globes (Capture: Defeated Enemy)
05% (+1) Magical Food (Increase Health)
05% (+1) Magical Draught (Increase Attack)
10% (+2) Polishing Oil (Crafting: Mechanical)
10% (+2) Potion of Incantation (Crafting Materials: Uncommon)
10% (+2) Crown of Vines (Helm: Resist intellect +5)
10% (+2) Stein of the Mariner (Held: Detect Inn / Tavern - 10 mile range)
10% (+2) Magical Food (Increase Health)
10% (+2) Magical Draught (Increase Attack)
15% (+3) Ornate Glowing Pedistal (Home: Library Search)
15% (+3) Spellbinding Tiles (Crafting Materials: Uncommon)
15% (+3) Tattoo Needles (Crafting: Tattoos)
15% (+3) Magical Cookware (Profession: Cooking)
15% (+3) Magical Food (Increase Health)
15% (+3) Magical Draught (Increase Attack)
20% (+4) Sacred Cross of the Shaman (Charm: Outgoing Healing +10)
20% (+4) Empowered Parchment (Crafting Materials: Uncommon)
20% (+4) Talisman of Seeking (Foot Attachment: Pursuit +10)
20% (+4) Magical Food (Increase Health)
20% (+4) Magical Draught (Increase Attack)
20% (+4) Mandrake Root Powder (Psychedelic: Memory Loss)
25% (+5) Acidbane (Powder: Resist Common Acid)
25% (+5) Elixir of Bladefire (Crafting Materials: Uncommon)
25% (+5) Independent Research +10 petition | +10 challenge
25% (+5) Mystic Talisman (Held: Activate Magic Item +10)
25% (+5) Magical Food (Increase Health)
25% (+5) Magical Draught (Increase Attack)
Sage (Uncommon):
30% (+6) Disguise Kit (Wig)
30% (+6) Planar Capture Globes (100)
30% (+6) Forge Tools II (Sage)
30% (+6) Combat Items
30% (+6) Professional Materials
30% (+6) Orb of Silentium (Neck: Divination Protection)
30% (+6) Magical Food (Consumable: +50 health)
30% (+6) Magical Draught (Consumable: boost attack +2)
35% (+7) Coronet of Intellect (Helm: Resist Intellect +20)
35% (+7) White Lotus Incense (Conceal Scent)
35% (+7) Tribal Paint (Heritage Crafting: Face)
35% (+7) Divine Invocation (Held: Vampire Protection)
35% (+7) Banshee's Cord (Collar: Remove One Effect Type)
35% (+7) Combat Items
35% (+7) Magical Food (Consumable: +100 health)
35% (+7) Magical Draught (Consumable: boost attack +4)
40% (+8) Repair Collector's Item (Uncommon)
40% (+8) Twin Journals (Held: Long Distance Communication)
40% (+8) Magical Map (Held: +25 navigation - Regional Only)
40% (+8) Lamp of Spirit Protection (Held: 1 hour)
40% (+8) Rector's Badge (Charm: +10 on leadership skill)
40% (+8) Combat Items
40% (+8) Magical Food (Consumable: +150 health)
40% (+8) Magical Draught (Consumable: boost attack +6)
45% (+9) Material Coordination (Immune to Critical: One type)
45% (+9) Blood Rose (+25% Healing: Dhampir only)
45% (+9) Magical Infusion (Crafting: Magical Items)
45% (+9) Totem of Intellect (Charm: -20% study time | info)
45% (+9) Combat Items
45% (+9) Magical Food (Consumable: +200 health)
45% (+9) Magical Draught (Consumable: boost attack +8)
45% (+9) Fibulae (Charm: Sleep awareness bonus)
50% (+10) Sacred Incense (Crafting: Ward Creation)
50% (+10) Blue Lotus Incense (Healing: Regeneration)
50% (+10) Mystical Parchment (Crafting: Power Creation)
50% (+10) Amulet of Training (Held: Instant Training)
50% (+10) Combat Items
50% (+10) Magical Food (Consumable: +300 health)
50% (+10) Magical Draught (Consumable: boost attack +10)
50% (+10) Mystical Library (Home: Spiritual Condition)