Heroes of Eternus (Noncombat: Champion)

Gildon Russell championGildon Russell
PL: 2|PC: 1|L: 05-3% |
M: G10 | T: 3 | L: 10
Class: Champion
Primary Attribute: Inf
Heritage: Human (Eternus)
Mass: Medium
Mass: H: 5'10" | W:198
Experience: 0% (+0)
Background: BG: Gildon

Weakness: | Cold -20 | Class Enemy Types -40 | Blunt -20 |

Enhancement: | EP: (+0) | Enhance Faction (HE) +20% | Conceal Wounds I +20 | Alter Appearance (by type) +10 disguise|impersonation |
Divine Inspiration: | Riding (Mount) | Running (Stance) |

Favored Range: Medium

Influence Bonus II (Reasonable): +20 on reason: | Enhancement (Influence I): +10 petition | +10 reason | (both included) | +20 barter | +20 haggle |

Interactive: Charm +30 | Incite +30 | Reason +60 | Lie +0 |
+30 | Insult +30 | Challenge +30 | Capitulate +30 | Petition +40 | Manipulate +0 | Joke +30 | Threaten +0 | Flirt +30 | Bully +0 | Bribe +30 | Extort +30 | Boast +10 | Demean +10 |

: | Common +100 | Deru +0 | Divinus +0 | Draconic +0 | Elven +0 | Eternus +100 | Fudokan +0 | Minos +0 | Silvermane +0 | Stonecutter +0
| Linguistics: No |
Contacts: P: Name | Name | H: No | C: Name |

Skill: | Climb: +0 | Jump: +0 | Ride: +40 | Sneak: +0 | Evade: +0 | Pursue: +0 | Swim: +0 | Track: +0 | Wayfare: +0 | Disguise: +0 | Search: +40 | Medic (H): +40 | Medic (P): +0 | Medic (A): +0 | Planar: +0 | Commune: +0 | Taunt: +0 | Secret: +0 | RL: +0 | Break Object: +0 | Break Barricade: +40 | Heavy Object +0 | Instant Stand (FA): +0 | Tactics: +0 |

Familiar: Special Bonding: +0 | Familiar Magic: +0% | Summon Familiar: +0 |

Training: TP: 0: | Speed II | Heavy Shield II: | Heavy Armor II: | Slashing Weapons II (Large) | Range Weapon II | Medic (Human) II | Class: Combat Riding III | Break Object I | Break Barricade I | Pronefighting II |

Locate Follower II (Uncommon):
Inspirational Plea II

Locate II: Class Contact
Locate Champion II (Rare)

: | Woodworker: +05 | Gathering Lumber: +00 |

Equipped Items (Usable): | Items by Slot | Equip | Bond |
Stored: | Slot 1 | Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 | Slot 5 | Slot 6 |
Summon Objects: No
Identify Items: | Magic: +0 | App: +0 | Holy: +0 | Non: +0 | Art: +0 | Talis: +0 | War: +0 | Anc: +0 | Col: +0 | Gat: +0 |
Activate Items: C Item: +0 | H Item: +0 | H Tot: +0 | C Tot: +0 |
Currency: (13,200s) 200 silver 7 palladium 3 gold
Hirelings: Common (None) |

Alertness: +70 | Tr: +0 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: +0
Senses: 30% (+0) | Blindfighter: No | Light Sleeper: No |
Ambush: 30% | Tr: +0 | G: +0 | Ter: +0 | B Kn: +0 | B Ter: +0

Detect: | Wea: +0 | Items +0 | Div: Obj. Ownership +0 | Div: Obj. Location +0 | Div: Ally +0 | Div: Enemy +0 | Alignment: +100 | PL: +100 | Soul: +100 | Aura: +0 | Weapons: +0 | Magic (Type): +0 | Traps (Class): +0 |
Find Location: Lm: +0% | Br: +0% |Und: +0% | Veil: +0% | Haven: +40% | Tp: +0% | Cave: +0% |
Detect Damage Type: +0 | ET IV: Cold | Deception |
Detect Enemy Type: E IV:
Deceiver |

Move: Normal (+0) |Teleport Magic | (I) Self | (I) Levitation | (I) Group | (I) Slow Fall | (I) Object | (I) Hover | Traveling
Stances: | Run: +20 | Still: +20 | Prone: +20 | Alert: +0 | Braced: +0 | Charge: +0 | Covering: +0 | Crouching: +0 | Defensive I: +10 (+shield ally) | Evasive: +0 | Jumping: +0 | Offensive I: +10 | Pursuing: +0 | Stealthy: +0 | Taunt: +0 |
Negate Terrain (I): |

Noncombat: Noncombat Buff IV (Boost Perfect): | Locate Safe Haven II | Locate Follower I (Common) | Locate Champion II | Poised Stance (Party Influence) +10 | Locate Regional Leader I (Uncommon) | Training II: Weapon Manipulation
Close Long-sword Training II
| Combat Buff II (Party): +4 healing powers and items Devoted Inspiration II | Enhancement III (Limited Combat): +15 joust / Meleegravee
Honor on the Field III

Negative Effects: | +10% (+1 headband) |
: | Recovery (Entranced) II |
Death: | Neg 50% health

Warding (8 Hours): | Enemy Magic: +0 | Ward (Movement) +0 | Ward (Sanctuary) +0 | Ward (Teleport) +0 |
Special Warding (1 Min):

Condition: | Heal Con: 30% | Physical: 100% | Spiritual: 100% | Mental: 100% | Rest: 100% | Med +0: No | Sleep +0: Yes |
Health Points: T: 355 | Ba: 175| HB: 0 | A: 140 | B: 0|E: 40 |
Protection: | P: (No)| E: (No) | T: (No) | Eco (Ter) | Ev (No) |
Conceal: | App: 0%| Pre: 0% | Ene: 0% | Ali: 0% | Wounds: 0% | Weapon: 0% | Weak: 0% | PL: 0% | PC: 0% |

Reputation: Renoun (+10%) | Class: +10 | Heritage: +50% | Nobility +10 | Artisan +10 | Commoner +10 | Merchant +10 | Regional +10 | Working +10 | Religious +10 | Adventurer +10 | Guilds +10 | Time: World Clock: Jan 1102